で、その「床で寝る」の英語表現はsleep on the floorですよね
今回は英語表現「sleep on it」ですが、「sleep on the floor」の意味とは状況によっては実は全く異なる意味になるのです
🐰一体「sleep on it」と「sleep on the floor」は何が違うの~
もう少し考えたい「sleep on it」の英語表現
☑sleep on it
☑When people want to spend some time thinking to make a final decision.
☑I can't decide which TV to buy so I decide to sleep on it as I don't want to purchase the wrong one.
☑My mother told me that she would have to sleep on it when I asked her if I can live alone.
☑I got a job offer from a company but I need to sleep on it so I'll give an answer to the company tomorrow.
もう少し考えたい「sleep on it」の類義語
「sleep on it」と似た英語表現
☑think about it
「think about it/consider/ponder」を使用した英語例文
☑We should think about it after negociating with the company.
☑If our homemade apple pies are so popular perhaps we should consider making them a lot our guests next time.
☑We intend to ponder all the alternatives before taking an action.
*intend to~:~するつもり